How has COVID-19 Been Good for You?
The property forecast at the start of Covid-19, back in Feb-Mar was gloomy.
If you’re a buyer, ‘gloomy’ is GREAT!!
Let’s face it, if you were actually struck down with COVID-19, that’s not good for anyone. There are some people who handle the disease reasonably well, however, there are some whose system fails to deal with it at all. More power to our doctors and nurses doing lots of what they do best, saving lives.
However, let’s talk property……….your property!!
Property prices are an integral part of the economy of any, and I would venture to say every, country. It certainly is here in Australia, where the ‘dream’ since the days of my long gone grandparents has been to return home from work to, to bring up the family in, to retire in and possibly even to depart the real world in – your own home. To quote Darryl Kerrigan, (Michael Caton) surveying his ‘Castle’, “How’s the serenity”?
All of this is what makes it your home…..and “you can take that straight to the pool room!”.
How does this relate to COVID-19?
To explain, particularly for the first home buyer or the novice investor, whenever there is a hiccup in the world, the share markets and other investor tools, including property, are affected as investors liquidate assets to avoid (their idea of) loss. The COVID-19 pandemic has been a fair sort of a hiccup, as you would have noticed by the News reports and the share markets over the last 6-8 months. Share prices dropping drastically, recovering to varying degrees as the Federal and State Governments threw cash at the pandemic in a desperate attempt to maintain the economy, then dropping again as infection rates increased, particularly in Victoria.
A valiant effort by the various Governments and put bluntly, when the pandemic blows over which I have full confidence it eventually will, we are going to need our economy to bring us back and start the long road to paying back all the money the Government is currently throwing around. According to one of our preferred investment strategies here at PPBA, ‘buy and hold’, those investors who have liquidated their assets have done themselves a huge disservice. Instead, they would be better served buying up while the prices are still on the way up.
This current situation is a great chance to not only own your own home or investment, but to make money at the same time well into the next 2-3 years. Don’t miss out. If you buy wisely, you won’t regret the decision to buy now.
When you engage PPBA to act as your Buyers Agent, we do the research, due diligence and inspections, arrange building and pest reports, take videos and/or photographs and provide you with everything you need to help you make an informed decision on your new property. We accompany you on any private inspections you might wish to make and we negotiate the right price on your behalf. We also project manage any renovations you may want to make and, we can negotiate with the vendor, to have that happen prior to you moving into the property.
PPBA is perfectly placed to assist you. Fully licenced (two licences actually) and with 23 years investment experience in two States and Territories of Australia, in addition to owning a number of overseas holdings.
The first step of course is………! Our shout.
Contact PPBA on 0490 020 801 for a $$ and obligation free chat about buying opportunities while the market is still on the way up.