What if this was your last Year on Earth?

What would you do?

Would you sit around procrastinating?

For Example, how many people do you think there are who wish they could do time over again? How about doing 2019 over again? If you had that time again You could get 2020’s holiday in before 2020 hit us and laid us all flat.

Well, that’s how the human mind works isn’t it? We usually never “get around to it” until it’s too late. What if we looked into our crystal ball and saw that Kim Jung-un is finally going to blow the world up next year? We’d all go crazy trying to think of what we want to do before the final curtain comes down. It’s easy to look at things in hindsight and come up with all sorts of excuses for not doing things when we should have.

So tell me, what’s stopping you doing all those things now? Any good excuses pop up just now? Don’t worry, if you keep “waiting for the right time”, or for “things to pick up in the market”, then in about 5-10 years you’ll be able to tell all your friends and family how you wish you had bought that house way back then……but never did. You’ll be the expert on that subject.

Here’s a great life hack for you to try. Think of a small job you’ve got around the house, that you never quite get to. Write the main words on a post-it note and put it on the bathroom mirror. When you wash your hands, have a shave or brush your hair, it’ll be right there to remind you, every time!

I’m betting that job will get done. That’s called writing down your goals. Just writing it down cements the process in your own mind. You should be doing that with the major goals in your life as well. For these larger and more important goals, write down the end goal, the plan to achieve that goal and also all the smaller goals that you need to accomplish along the way. If you do that, there is every chance that the smaller achievements along the way will lead to attaining the major life goal.

Go and get a post-it note and write down

“Buy OUR own home.”

To date, stock markets have taken the brunt of the COVID-19 investment market jitters. Property has followed suit to varying degrees as owners and real estate agents who are already selling may be considering a drop in prices to attract buyers in light of the Governments’ reintroduced limited numbers on real estate gatherings at open home inspections and at on-site and public auctions. Furthermore, with unemployment forecasts predicted to be as much as 9-10% in the immediate to mid-term future, the forecast for property is gloomy…………unless you’re a buyer!!

if you are a serious buyer, contact us at PPBA to take the load off the time consuming task of finding and going through the process of buying a property.

We’re here for a good time, not a long time.

Make the most of every moment.